donderdag 22 november 2012

French violin (Style Bailly)

This violin bears the label: "Monetvreto e Figlio liutheria
Artistica Tipo Stradivari " but according to Mr. Roland
Terrier everything is pointing towards the French luthiers 
of around 1930: Bailly et Leon Mougenot a.o. Workmanship
proofs to be very good: The wood timbers are of a higher
class and the overall internal gluework is very neatly done.

I allways like shots of this kind of backs: From one piece of wood
and a stunning regular pattern in the maple used for this back.
A little bit more detail for the heelform could have been there
but this can be seen more at these type of Mirecourt violins.
 Look here:
as Roland Terrier has built this beautiful site with lots of
information on it, mandolins and guitars and catalogues included.

As a non violin player this head seems to be gracefully carved.

Alas, this picture hasn't been taken really straight faced but
the balance is there. This instrument has had to be taken care
for as the tuners work smoothly and the lacquerwork makes
me presume it could be restauration work.

And even the back of the curl has been gracefully done.
I have this violin played by a professional and I will
let you know what the verdict of that player is.